Want to jump straight to the answer? According to our experts, Apple stock is not a great investment right now and investors should not risk their hard-earned cash on Apple shares. According to our experts, Apple stock has an an investment grade rating of 2.7/5 based on the trading styles of Value, Growth, and Momentum.

You can Buy Apple shares online in three easy steps:

  • Choose a trusted broker and Open an account - alternatively you can choose a prop firm for stock trading.
  • Fund your account: Deposit money and receive your Apple shares.
  • Review your Apple Stocks position regularly.

In the following sections, we will explain the process to buy Apple shares with credit card or debit card in greater detail.

Please note that any investment decision is under the responsibility of the individual. Want to Buy Apple Stocks? Before buying Apple stock, you should consider researching the company's fundamentals, reviewing your portfolio and setting a budget.

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Should I Invest in Apple (AAPL) Stock? Buy Apple Shares Now

Apple Review and Analysis


Where and How To Buy Apple Stocks

Apple holds the impressive record of being the first publicly traded U.S. company to be worth $1 trillion in value, and with nearly two-thirds of Americans owning at least one of its products, it is no surprise that that the Apple stock is very popular and desirable amongst investors.

What made the Apple stock even more appealing for investors, was a stock split in August 2020, which meant that the stock became less expensive to buy. The split brought the Apple stock price down by nearly four times, from $499.23 at the close of August 28, 2020, to $127.58 at the opening on August 31.

Despite currently being more affordable for new investors then, whether the Apple stock truly merits a place in your own investment portfolio depends on the research and analysis you will perform and your own specific investment goals.

    By the end of the guide, you should know the following:
  • A brief history of Apple.
  • Apple stocks' historical performance.
  • If Apple stocks is a good or a bad investment.
  • How to buy Apple stocks.
  • Where to buy Apple stocks.
  • Apple stock price prediction: Where Will Apple stock Be in the next few Years?


The Apple stock’s symbol in the market is AAPL. Apple is a long-established company and its IPO took place back in December 1980, at a price of $22 a share, while it should also be noted that Apple pays an annual dividend of $3.08 per share.

Just because you know of and about Apple as a company and perhaps owning and using its products, doesn’t mean you also know it as investor. In order to evaluate it from an investor’s perspective, you should engage in both quantitative research about Apple, learning the numbers pertaining to its company revenue, net income and earnings, as well as qualitative research, during which you will evaluate Apple’s management and strategies, as well as its competitors.

To facilitate your research, you can consult Apple's annual and quarterly reports, where you can obtain important information about its operations, as well as its financial results, sources of income and expenses. If you are primarily attracted to the Apple stock because of its high dividend, make sure you study its dividend yield and growth rate carefully, paying particular attention to Apple’s price-to-earnings ratio. These useful reports are easily accessible since they are available on Apple's investor relations website. Moreover, you can find relevant and useful information about Apple on independent stock investment analysis sites.

Pros and Cons of Buying Apple stock investment

Apple Pros and Cons
Benefits Risks
The Secular Growth Narrative Remains (Largely) Robust. China Is a Wildcard With More Turbulence Coming.
China Headwinds Are Easing. Holiday iPhone Sales Will Likely Be Weak.
The Stock Is Cheap Relative to its Peer Group.

The Benefits of Apple stocks investment

Apple investors may look forward to a number of future technological developments as possible growth boosters for the stock, such as for example the upcoming growth of 5G technology. Being prepared for this, Apple has already invested more than $1 billion in manufacturing 5G-capable microchips, while it has also announced plans for its iPhone to be supporting 5G speeds in the foreseeable future.

Moreover, Apple stock prices are often driven upwards with almost every announcement of the release of new products or models, since new features and technological advancements always create a euphoria for investors.

Things we didn't like in Apple stocks investment

Even the most enthusiastic Apple investors have come to realize that the dominance of the iPhone in the smartphone market is now a thing of the past, since following a persistent downfall in sales, it now makes up less than 50% of new phone sales. Though Apple’s big market share is not currently viewed as being under immediate threat, it is true that an increasing number of consumers are now switching to Android models, while there is also stiff competition from newly emerged Chinese tech companies, such as Huawei.

Historical performance

Being a well-known multinational technology company, Apple is primarily engaged in the development, production and promotion of a wide range of consumer electronics, which are hugely popular with consumers around the world due to their appealing design and their unique operating system. Apple boasts a wide range of very popular products, such as the iPhone smartphone, the iPod mp3 and mp4 players and the iMac line of laptops and personal computers.

Apple stocks price charts

Apple Price Chart (AAPL)

It is clear that an opportunity for interested Apple stock buyers is currently present due to the recent decline in its price. At the time of the share going public back in December 1980, the initial offered price per share was at $22. More recently, and especially since early 2013 the Apple stock price has experienced a period of prolonged steady growth, while it showed resilience and managed to quickly recover from the initial shock caused by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, moving from a value of about $62 per share in March 2020 to more than $140 a share in January 2021.

Apple Stocks Future Price Forecast Predictions

Apple shares Price Predictions
Year Low High
2021 $133.87 $152.49
2022 $157.56 $205.81
2025 $146.74 $226.23

* The prediction figures outline some of the Potential high and low of Apple shares price prediction forecasts for the years 2021, 2022, and 2025 based on the data collected from various sources meant strictly for educational purposes only and not taken as investment advice.

Apple Shares Price Prediction for the year 2021

By the end of the year 2021, using forecast and algorithmic analysis, our price prediction forecasts suggest that one Apple share will reach an average price of $143.18, which will be an impressive 59% growth from it's current market price.

Apple Shares Price Prediction for the year 2022

By the end of the year 2022, our price prediction forecasts suggest that one Apple share will reach an average price of $181.685, which will be an impressive 75% growth from it's current market price.

Apple Shares Price Prediction for the year 2025

By the end of the year 2025, our price prediction forecast suggests that one Apple share will reach an average price of $186.485, which will be an impressive 77% growth from it's current market price.

Where Can You Buy Apple stocks

There are several online sites and platforms where people from across the globe can buy Apple at good exchange rates and with low or no transaction fees. To aid your quest we have comprised a list of some of the most popular methods and platforms to buy Apple from and your strongly advised to consult this list before making your first purchase of or investment in Apple.

How Can You Buy Apple stocks

It only takes a few easy steps to buy Apple stocks with credit card instantly. Speed matters - get instant confirmation, minimal registration & KYC verification!

    By the end of the guide, you should know the following:
  • Click the Buy Now button.
    Buying Apple with debit card is easy, fast and risk-free. All you need to do is click the “Buy Now” button and then be safely directed to the check-out page.
  • Fill in the fields.
  • Proceed to checkout.
  • Receive your Apple stocks.

Apple stocks investment analysis

Adding Apple to Your Portfolio

If you would like to invest in Apple stock but want to avoid the risk of linking all your funds on the fate of a single company, you could invest in shares of a tech ETF instead. Such Tech ETFs hold large holdings in Apple stocks, while at the same time also retain shares of other major tech giants. By investing in a technology ETF you can have both an increased exposure to Apple, while also being able to quickly diversify your portfolio.

Risks of Investing in Apple stocks

Tips on How to Invest in Apple stocks and Make a Profit

There is no guarantee that you will make a profit when you invest in Apple. However, to give yourself the best chance possible we have hand-picked the three most valuable such strategies, which you can find below:

  • Tip 1: Set your own specific Financial Goals
  • Tip 2: Dollar-Cost Average Your Apple Investments
  • Tip 3: Diversify Your Apple Investment

Future Outlook for Apple stocks

Is Apple Stocks a Good Investment?

It's impossible to predict exactly what the Apple's stock price will be in the next five years, however one could safely expect it to be outperforming the S&P 500 by a significant margin. This is based on the fact that Apple’s core businesses show resilience and are still strong, while it has plenty of new products or advancements to current products in the pipeline. In a nutshell, and though it is very possible that the Apple stock price might face some swings, even big ones, it is almost certain that investors already holding Apple stocks can expect good rewards in the next five years.

Should you invest $1,000 in Apple Inc. right now?

We wouldn’t want to give a straightforward answer to this question, but can use the words of the online investing service, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, which has a long and proven successful track record when it comes to the stock market, and whose recently released list of the 10 best stocks to invest in right now, does not include Apple. Of course, the decision is always down to the individual investor and what best serves and suits their own needs and aspirations.

Overall Conclusion – Final Thoughts

In this guide, the aim wasn’t only to answer simple questions like “how to buy Apple ?” or “where to buy Apple ?”. Instead, the goal was to equip you with the relevant knowledge and insight to be able to see and understand the bigger picture as well as make your Apple investment journey as successful and as profitable as possible!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Where would you be today if you had bought Apple stock back in 1997?
In 1997, some 34 years ago, Apple stocks were trading at the low price of $3.56 a share. Thus, if an investor purchased $1,000 worth of Apple shares back then, that investment today would be worth an impressive $632,000. This is indicative of the huge return for investors who had the patience to be holding on Apple stock for a long time.
What will the Apple stock be worth in 10 years?
The spectacular rise in the price of the Apple share that was recorded in the past years is highly unlikely to be repeated in the future to such an extent. Thus, if one attempts to make prediction about where the price will be in the long-term, say ten years from now, the forecasted price would be somewhere between $150 and $200.

People Also Asked

What is the best way to buy Apple stocks?
Perhaps the Easiest way to buy is by directly purchase Apple with credit card on etoro. It only takes a few easy steps to buy Apple with credit card instantly.
  • Click the Buy Now button.
  • Fill in the fields.
  • Proceed to checkout.
  • Receive your Apple.
Should I buy Apple stocks? Are Apple stocks a good Investment?
Many people want to invest in Apple stocks. According to our experts, Apple stock is not a great investment right now and investors should not risk their hard-earned cash on Apple shares. According to our experts, Apple stock has an an investment grade rating of 2.7/5 based on the trading styles of Value, Growth, and Momentum. Having said that perhaps is a good idea to buy Apple stocks for long-term investment, due to Apple following properties and characteristics:
  • The Secular Growth Narrative Remains (Largely) Robust.
  • China Headwinds Are Easing.
  • The Stock Is Cheap Relative to its Peer Group.
What is Apple shares price prediction for the year 2021?
Apple stocks might reach $143.18 before the end of December 2021.
What will be the Apple shares price prediction for 2022?
Apple stocks might reach $181.685 by the end of 2022.
Will the Price of Apple shares Go Up in 2025?
Yes, the price of Apple stocks will probably go up in 2025. According to the predictions, the price of Apple stocks could reach between $146.74 and $226.23 by the end of 2025.
Will Apple's stock price ever hit $1000?
Yes, the price of Apple can reach $1000. If the stock market rebounds and Apple shares reaches new highs, there is potential for it to reach the $1000 level later this decade, according to some forecasts. But if Apple shares that are currently at $241.25 with a daily trading volume of $40896227 is unable to break through resistance it could retreat and fail to meet that level.