We pride ourselves of being true industry experts in the field of MetaTrader 4 and 5 solution development and platform servicing and aim to offer you white label solutions that allow you to start a brokerage enjoying the same quality benefits of a full server owner, without having to delve deep into your pockets to pay the high costs of full ownership. Our MetaTrader White Label solution alleviates the need for steep investments and takes away all technical headaches, allowing you to become a competitive Forex broker. Our MT4/MT5 White Label Program contains all the necessary tools and back office support required for launching a new brokerage and it is suitable for both completely new entrants in the forex business, as well as existing brokers wishing an efficient and effective way to consolidate their market presence.
Through knowledge sharing the provision of expert advice, our resident team of specialists helps every aspiring forex brokerage reach their goals and visions. Our MT4/MT5 White Label Solutions are full turnkey solutions at affordable prices, which minimize risks and significantly lower entry barriers in your endeavour to launch your own forex brokerage.
Buying a full server to base your forex brokerage involves excessive costs and it is not advisable if you are a new entrant to the market. Instead, resorting to an MT4/MT5 White Label Program ensures both the access to a quality trading platform solution, as well as easy access to the market at an optimized initial investment, i.e. at a fraction of the cost that a full server would have required.
To be able to stand out in the highly competitive forex market you need to ensure you’re your MT4 White Label platform is fully customized and branded with your own company logos, colours, slogans etc. Having a fully branded approach helps you differentiate and create a good, solid and memorable visual impression to your prospective clients.
The MetaTrader 4/5 white label platform solution is fully compatible across all devices, including desktops, smartphones and tablets. This is a crucial factor for improving your chance to gain more customers as many traders prefer to trade on the go and seek access to their trading accounts from all devices, at any time and from any place.
The MT4 white label solution provides a reliable and fully secured system, ensuring full privacy and security for all customers. Moreover, through specialized account management tools it is possible to fully customise an account, while creating, editing and managing an account and its history is very easy. Other capabilities include full reporting on deposits and withdrawals as well as simultaneous login for multiple accounts.
Through an MT4/MT5 white label solution you ensure compatibility with all liquidity providers, also rendering it easy to switch between providers if you deem it necessary. Liquidity providers are crucial for the operation of your forex brokerage and our trading platform package allows you full control to choose whichever liquidity provider best suits your own specific needs and preference, thus ensuring the smooth functioning of your brokerage.
Ensure you can stand out from your competitors through fully customized and branded, unique, visual identity and logo for your forex brokerage website. Other customizations available allow for different levels of editing rights on your white label platform.
To make it easier to trade across all devices interchangeably all configuration and preference settings from the desktop platform is automatically updated on the mobile platform and vice versa.
To allow the easier management of trader accounts you can fully customize several different groups based on the specific trading capabilities and preferences of each different trader.
Multiple manager access is also provided to allow different users to simultaneously work on and with different groups of traders.
The liquidity setup provided comes with absolutely no restrictions, thus allowing you to choose your liquidity provider from all available options in the market, based on which is better suited for your own business needs.
Our expert technical support team is by your side on a 24/7 basis ready to get all your problems effectively solved fast, while also providing any other help you may need every step of the way.
If you are thinking to become a Forex broker and Start Your Own FX Brokerage our TurnKey White Label Trading Solutions & Services are exactly what you need.