A brief recap

Let Us Show You Around

Online payment methods play a crucial role for every online business and this is especially true in the case of online retail forex trading. Based on our extensive e-commerce experience and inside knowledge, combined with the cutting edge and innovative technological tools developed by our partner network of payment processors, we offer tailored made, effective, efficient and trustworthy payment solutions for all businesses, and especially forex brokerages.

If you are looking for the best payment solutions provider for your brokerage look no further than our offering since we make possible the management and integration of all types of payments using one single API. Through this unitary application programming interface we ensure that you are seamlessly connected to multiple payment service providers, acquirers and processors, as well as enterprise resource system, business intelligence or 3rd-party software.

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Explicit Benefits : Why Payments processing platform?

One Contract

One Contract

Our payments solution package is a fast, flexible, simple and accessible way to take your business to the next level in terms of payments options, moving away from debit and credit cards and moving on to to e-wallets, instant bank transfers and mobile payment solutions. Through the same, single contract you gain access to an extensive portfolio of over 180 payments methods, risk management and verification solutions.

One Integration

Our payment processing platform simplifies the payment process, since it encompasses and integrates all your payment processing and risk management needs. Moreover, integration continues at the back office as well, through completely customizable solutions and dedicated applications.

One Integration
One Platform

One Platform

The highest possible efficiency all around is at the core of our offering and we help you enter new markets fast and easily through our swift automation tools, which allow the quick and smooth processing of payments, as well as real time insights and enhanced customer experience. Moreover, our back-office package is all encompassing and includes a fully customisable management dashboard along with transactional monitoring, geo-location and many other services all accessible from one, single platform for ease and convenience.


Since you are in the online retail forex business your customers surely come from many countries and use different currencies. This is why you need to ensure that your payment gateway can handle all types of payments, including those across different currencies, regions and platforms as well as alternative payment methods.

Reliable & Secure

Reliable & Secure

Security and reliability should be your primary priorities in terms of payments services for your forex brokerage. By trusting us to cover this need rest assured that you will get the best in terms of both reliability and security, since we constantly invest in time, effort and funds in order to remain up-to-date in terms of technology and reliability and completely covered and safe in terms of security.

Our Distinct Services

24/7 customer support
24/7 customer support

Our customer support is unrivalled and offered to you on a 24/7 basis, ready to assist you whenever the need arises. And though there are other ways to contact us too, for example via email, our team is always around to help out either on the phone or through a live chat.

Encryption And Tokenisation Service
Encryption And Tokenisation Service

Our certification as a PCI DSS Level 1 Certified processor, ensures that your data is encrypted to the highest standard. Security of your client data is our number one priority with Through dedicated Card Vault storage your client data is secured to the maximum, while we also help you cut costs and overheads through effective tokenisation and systemic synergies.

Best of breed technologies
Best of breed technologies

We always keep abreast of all developments and make sure we identify the best of breed technologies to be able to integrate them to our platform, thus enabling you to gain access to multiple technologies through one integrated, unitary solution.

Modern, RESTful APIs
Modern, RESTful APIs

Ultra-modern digital interfaces that are fully compatible with and integrate several cutting- edge, open source technologies are at the core of our offering, that ensures simple, yet full integration and leads to the development custom-coded solutions for your distinct needs.

Integrated payments for any business model
Integrated payments for any business model

Whatever your business model and whatever the extend of your needs, from referral partners to full-blown Payment Facilitators, we can guarantee the full coverage of all your requirements.

Instant Onboarding - Same-Day Deposits
Instant Onboarding - Same-Day Deposits

Speed is of the essence and through our solution it is possible to begin accepting payments instantly, while merchants with Chase bank accounts also receive same-day deposits at no additional cost.

Interested to open a Forex Brokerage Business?

If you are thinking to become a Forex broker and Start Your Own FX Brokerage our TurnKey White Label Trading Solutions & Services are exactly what you need.

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Payment service provider FAQs

What is the difference between a payment service provider and a payment gateway?
A simple payment service provider is usually a financial company that processes credit and debit card payments, making sure such transactions are safely and securely completed from their point of origin to their destination. On the other hand, payment gateways are digital tools that allow the processing of credit card and other payments to be completed online.
What is a payment gateway and how does it work?
The basic function of a payment gateway is acting as an intermediator interface between your corporate website and your acquirer. In essence, a payment gateway pertains to the technology that collects and then transfers the data of a payment, from a customer to an acquirer and then transfers back to the customer the acceptance or decline of the said payment. Through the encryption of sensitive credit card details, a payment gateway ensures that all transaction information is passed securely from the customer to the acquiring bank, via the merchant. In short, the payment gateway’s role is to validate the customer’s card details securely and ensure that the funds are available, eventually enabling the payment of a merchant.
Why does a forex brokerage need a payment gateway?
Though a payment gateway is the middleman between you and your customer, its role is paramount since it ensures the secure and prompt completion of a transaction. A payment gateway is also the gatekeeper of all customer payment data and thus enables the effective fraud management of each transaction, safeguarding it from unwanted threats through secure data encryption. On top of securing data from fraud through the encrypted relay of information between the issuing bank and the acquirer, a payment gateway is necessary for your brokerage as it protects you from expired cards, insufficient funds, closed accounts or exceeding credit limits.
Can a multi-currency payment gateway help with cross-border sales?
A multi-currency payment gateway is essential if you want to achieve cross-border sales, as it enables you to accept payments in various currencies, through the processing of international payments and the acceptance of online payments from customers across the world. By offering customers the option to pay in their chosen currency and accepting payments in multiple currencies you increase your reach, while a proper gateway can ensure dynamic currency conversions and simplified methods for the authorisation and settlement of international payments.
How can I choose the best payment gateway for my business?
Our team of resident experts and extensive partner network take care of all payment gateway and merchant account issues for your brokerage, taking away a big hassle and burden from your shoulders. We can act as a one-stop-shop offering all-encompassing solutions for all your payment service solutions provision needs through a flexible, customizable, easy to use platform. This integrated package includes a payment gateway, acquiring services, alternative payment methods processing, shopping cart integration, as well as fraud screening services.

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